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deduct 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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deducts, 3rd person singular present; deducted, past participle; deducted, past tense; deducting, present participle;
  1. Subtract or take away (an amount or part) from a total
    • - tax has been deducted from the payments

  1. subtract: make a subtraction; "subtract this amount from my paycheck"
  2. withhold: retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments; "My employer is withholding taxes"
  3. deduce: reason by deduction; establish by deduction
  4. (deduction) tax write-off: a reduction in the gross amount on which a tax is calculated; reduces taxes by the percentage fixed for the taxpayer's income bracket
  5. (deduction) an amount or percentage deducted
  6. (deduction) something that is inferred (deduced or entailed or implied); "his resignation had political implications"
  7. (Deduction (food stamps)) For the food stamp program, Deductions are used to calculate a household’s monthly food stamp benefit. ...
  8. To take one thing from another; remove from; make smaller by some amount
  9. (deduction) That which is deducted; that which is subtracted or removed; A sum that can be removed from tax calculations; something that is written off; A conclusion; that which is deduced, concluded or figured out; The ability or skill to deduce or figure out; the power of reason; A process of ...
  10. (Deduction) An amount subtracted from an employee’s gross pay to reach net pay, or an amount allowed to taxpayers as an offset against income (pre-tax deduction).
  11. (Deduction) Expenses you are permitted to subtract from your AGI to determine your taxable income. Taxable income is what is left after deductions are subtracted. All taxpayers may claim a standard deduction amount. ...
  12. Deduction is a form of logical reasoning that begins with a general assertion and then presents specific details and examples in support of that generalization. Induction works in reverse by offering a number of examples and then concluding with a general truth or principle.
  13. (DEDUCTION) An item or expenditure subtracted from adjusted gross income to reduce the amount of income subject to tax.
  14. (deduction) Drawing a conclusion through reasoning; the act of deducing.
  15. (Deduction) The process of showing that a conclusion necessarily follows from a set of premises or hypotheses. A deductive argument is valid if the conclusion does follow necessarily from the premises, i.e., if the conclusion must be true provided that the premises are true.
  16. (Deduction) An expense that may be deducted from your income that is otherwise taxable so as to lower your taxable income.
  17. (Deduction) Something which reduces the amount of your taxable income or your chargeable gains. A business expense, such as the purchase of stationery supplies, is a deduction that can be used to reduce the amount of your taxable business profits. ...
  18. (Deduction) Any amount taken from an employee’s pay check each pay period.
  19. (DEDUCTION) A legislatively-granted privilege to subtract from a taxpayer's income or the value of his/her gift or estate, a certain amount specified under the income, gift, or estate tax law.
  20. (DEDUCTION) Any ordinary and necessary expense paid or incurred in a taxable year which is related to business or the production of income. Such deductions are in addition to any other deduction Permitted by law and depend upon the accounting method used by the taxpayer. ...
  21. (DEDUCTION) Syllogistic reasoning; determines the consequences of pre-existing knowledge; theorizes about facts
  22. (DEDUCTION) The process of logic in which a thinker takes a rule for a large, general category and assumes that specific individual examples fitting within that general category obey the same rule. For instance, a general rule might be that "Objects made of iron rust. ...
  23. (DEDUCTION) While induction attempts to arrive at the truth, deduction guarantees sound relationships between statements.  If each of a series of statements, called premises, is true, deductive logic tells us that the conclusion must also be true. ...
  24. (Deduction) A conclusion about a specific case(s) based on the assumption that it shares a characteristic with an entire class of similar cases.
  25. (Deduction) A form of logical reasoning by which, from a given set of facts (premises), certain consequences (conclusions) can be inferred. For example, if I know that on every occasion on which it rains the streets get wet, and that it is raining now, then I can deduce that the streets are now wet.