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castes, plural;
  1. Each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status
    • - members of the lower castes
    • - a man of high caste
  2. The system of dividing society into such classes

  3. Any class or group of people who inherit exclusive privileges or are perceived as socially distinct
    • - those educated in private schools belong to a privileged caste
  4. (in some social insects) A physically distinct individual with a particular function in the society

  1. social status or position conferred by a system based on class; "lose caste by doing work beneath one's station"
  2. (Hinduism) a hereditary social class among Hindus; stratified according to ritual purity
  3. a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth
  4. in some social insects (such as ants) a physically distinct individual or group of individuals specialized to perform certain functions in the colony
  5. A caste is a combined social system of , endogamy, culture, social class and political power. Caste should not be confused with class, in that members of a caste are deemed to be alike in function or culture, whereas not all members of a defined class may be so alike.
  6. Eusociality (Greek eu: "good/real" + "social") is a term used for the highest level of social organization in a hierarchical classification.
  7. Any of the hereditary social classes and subclasses of South Asian societies
  8. (Castes) the three types of bees that comprise the adult population of a honey bee colony: workers, drones, and queen.
  9. (Castes) Groups of individuals that become irreversibly behaviorally distinct at some point prior to reproductive maturity. One of three or more distinct forms which make up the population among social insects. The usual three castes are queen, drone (male), and worker. ...
  10. (Castes) Social divisions created by the Aryans who were acutely conscious of racial superiority. The Aryans divided society into four major castes based on colors or Varnas (Var NASS). Following this division, a new set of ideas about human purity and pollution came into social existence.
  11. (Castes) a term used to describe social insects of the same species and sex that differ in morphology or behavior. In honey bees there are two castes, workers and queens. The drones are a different sex and therefore not included.
  12. (castes) divisions of social insects; each caste has certain physical characteristics and carries out specific tasks
  13. a group status position in society stratified by ascription
  14. Clan society is rigidly divided into five castes: warrior, scientist, merchant, technician, and laborer. Each caste has many subcastes, which are based on specialties within a professional field. ...
  15. A status group, within a system of hierarchical social stratification, in which membership is hereditary. ...
  16. The Hindu system of rigid hereditary social classes, especially in India. There are four castes: Brahmins, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras, plus the out-castes or Dalits, who are not part of the caste system. ...
  17. a distinct type of body form within a colony of social insects e.g. soldier, worker, queen.
  18. The western term for varna. Castes provide the major divisions of Hindu society.
  19. A name for the existence of different classifications of bees of a specific family. Includes Queen, Drone and Worker.
  20. a form (such as worker ant) of a social insect (ant) that carries out a particular function in the colony; an ant's rank in the colony according to its function
  21. in social insects, a group of individuals, belonging to a particular species or subspecies, differing in form from other groups of individuals within the same species od subspecies (e.g. in bees - workers, drones, queens).
  22. a set of members of a colony that are specialized in behavior
  23. or jati, is the most important social grouping among Punjabis. It defines social relations, possible marriage partners, and often jobs as well. Castes exist even among Muslims and Sikhs, whose religions condemn the caste system. Castes are divided into numerous gots, or clans. ...
  24. A closed socio-economic status, often ascribed by birth.
  25. the various groups of matured individuals among social insects whose morphology or behaviour allows them to perform specialised labour within the colony.  Workers, soldiers and reproductive queens are examples of castes.