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capital 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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capitals, plural;
  1. (of an offense or charge) Liable to the death penalty
    • - murder was a capital crime
  2. Of or relating to wealth
    • - capital losses
  3. Of greatest political importance
    • - the capital city
  4. (of a letter of the alphabet) Large in size and of the form used to begin sentences and names

  5. Excellent
    • - he's a really capital fellow
  1. Used to express approval, satisfaction, or delight
    • - That's splendid! Capital!
  1. The distinct, typically broader section at the head of a pillar or column

  1. assets available for use in the production of further assets
  2. first-rate; "a capital fellow"; "a capital idea"
  3. wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value
  4. of primary importance; "our capital concern was to avoid defeat"
  5. a seat of government
  6. uppercase; "capital A"; "great A"; "many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script"
  7. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. ...
  8. In a fundamental sense, capital consists of anything that can enhance a person's power to perform economically useful work. A stone or an arrow is a capital for a caveman who can use it as a hunting instrument. A road is a capital for inhabitants of a city. ...
  9. Financial capital can refer to money used by entrepreneurs and businesses to buy what they need to make their products or provide their services or to that sector of the economy based on its operation, i.e. retail, corporate, investment banking, etc.
  10. In fortification, the capital of a bastion is a line drawn either from the angle of the polygon to the point of the bastion, or from the point of the bastion to the middle of the gorge. ...
  11. Capital is a French economics news magazine, published monthly by the publishing group Prisma Press. The editor-in-chief is Jean-Joël Gurviez.
  12. The Capital is a German-language business magazine published by Gruner + Jahr. It was established in 1962.
  13. Already-produced durable goods available for use as a factor of production, such as steam shovels (equipment) and office buildings (structures); Money and wealth. ...
  14. (capitalness) The state or quality of being capital
  15. (Capitals) Script used in antique Latin manuscripts and stonemasonry for de luxe manuscripts and monuments. Continued in use through the Middle Ages as a display script.
  16. (Capitals) Upper-case letters used to indicate names, titles, and important words
  17. (1) Money used to create income, either as an investment in a business or an income property. (2) The money or property comprising the wealth owned or used by a person or business enterprise. (3) The accumulated wealth of a person or business. ...
  18. The principal part of a loan, i.e. the original amount borrowed.
  19. Money used to create income, such as funds invested in rental property.
  20. Equity of shareholders of a stock insurance company. The company's capital and surplus are measured by the difference between its assets minus its liabilities. ...
  21. Accumulated goods and money which is most often used to generate additional income.
  22. The resources, usually cash or credit, available for investing in assets that produce output.
  23. The sum borrowed in a mortgage.
  24. Generally, the money or property used in a business. The term is also used to apply to cash in reserve, savings, or other property of value.
  25. To an economist, capital means machinery, factories and inventory required to produce other products. To investors, capital means their cash plus the financial assets they have invested in securities, their home and other fixed assets.