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antiquity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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antiquities, plural;
  1. The ancient past, esp. the period before the Middle Ages
    • - the great civilizations of antiquity
  2. A specified historical period during the ancient past
    • - cameos dating from classical antiquity
  3. An object, building, or work of art from the ancient past
    • - an extensive collection of Greek antiquities
  4. Great age
    • - a church of great antiquity

  1. the historic period preceding the Middle Ages in Europe
  2. ancientness: extreme oldness
  3. an artifact surviving from the past
  4. Antiquity is an academic journal dedicated to the subject of archaeology. It publishes four editions a year, covering topics worldwide from all periods. Its current editor is Martin Carver, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at the University of York.
  5. Antiquities, nearly always used in the plural in this sense, is a term for objects from Antiquity, especially the civilizations of the Mediterranean: the Classical antiquity of Greece and Rome, Ancient Egypt and the other Ancient Near Eastern cultures. ...
  6. (Antiquities (Josephus)) Antiquities of the Jews (Antiquitates Judaicae in Latin) is a twenty volume historiographical work composed by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in the thirteenth year of the reign of Roman emperor Flavius Domitian which was around 93 or 94 CE. ...
  7. Ancient times; former ages; times long since past; The ancients; the people of ancient times; An old gentleman; A relic or monument of ancient times; as, a coin, a statue, etc.; an ancient institution
  8. Antiquity Publications Ltd., W. Heffer and Sons, Cambridge, England CB2 1LW (mainly Old World Archaeology)
  9. The period of human history from around 3,000 B.C. to the fall of the Roman empire (around 476 A.D.). ...
  10. (in  history of Europe: Language and eloquence)
  11. The history and culture of the ancient empires of Greece and Rome from about the 8th century BC to the 6th century AD. The philosophy, poetry, plays, mythology, art and architecture from this era were highly valued during the Renaissance. ...
  12. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1995.
  13. Vol. 77 (2003) - "A 16th century lab in a 21st century lab".
  14. When writing systems were invented in ancient civilizations, nearly everything that could be written upon—stone, clay, tree bark, metal sheets—was used for writing. Alphabetic writing emerged in Egypt around 1800 BC. ...
  15. supposedly, seen the title of the poem. This however does not yet give a clear picture of how antiquity was perceived in late 19th century France (see below);