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alarming 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Worrying or disturbing,
  1. Worrying or disturbing
    • - our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate

  1. frightening because of an awareness of danger
  2. (alarmingly) in an alarming manner; "It grew alarmingly fast"
  3. (alarmed) experiencing a sudden sense of danger
  4. (alarmed) Having an alarm fitted; Worried; anxious; panicky
  5. (Alarmed) The condition of a vehicle which is protected by an alarm system.
  6. (alarmed) frightened or worried
  7. The ability of CCTV equipment to respond to an input signal, normally a simple switch closure. The response varies depending on equipment type, most common is for switcher to hold on the camera corresponding to the alarm input.
  8. allows the CCTV equipment to respond to an alarm situation, this provides a number of functions such as alarm activated VCR.